In Jewish law, a marriage is terminated only by a GET. A GET is a document handed by the husband (or his agent) to the wife (or her agent). The GET contains traditional language, codified over the centuries, in which the husband agrees to end the marriage. By accepting the document, the wife also agrees and the marriage is terminated. The GET must be written and delivered under the auspices of the Rabbinic Court (Bet Din), which makes sure that the legal requirements are followed. The document is hand-written by a specially trained scribe specifically for this man and woman. It is then signed by two expert witnesses trained to review the text and correct any errors. The process is overseen by the mesadder gittin, a rabbi trained and certified in Jewish divorce law. The members of our Bet Din are Rabbi Richard Flom and Rabbi Warren Levy. The scribe is Baruch Bitran, and the mesadder gittin and head of the Bet Din is Rabbi Daniel Shevitz.

Do I have to come in person?
How long does it take?
Can I bring friends with me?
Yes, though our facilities are limited. We can discuss this when we schedule your GET.
How much does it cost? What else will I need?
The fee for a GET is $840. The fee is payable once we acknowledge receipt of your application. You can pay using our secure credit card site by clicking the link below.